
img_3894I’m a PhD candidate in the Department of Government at Georgetown University. My dissertation research centers on the different patterns of pogrom violence that emerge from different types of political order—in particular, the relationship between state support for and the base of social support for pogrom organizers. Drawing on within-case analysis of pogrom episodes in Nazi Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom, I find that different types of political order lead pogrom organizers to target groups with different relationships to organizers’ key constituents. I use (1) qualitative process tracing to explain why pogrom organizers mobilize violence against specific groups and (2) spatial regression analysis of novel historical data to explain why pogroms result in group-selective violence in some locations, but not others.

In additional projects, I study (1) the determinants of global concentration camp practices; (2) methods of data collection and analysis in the political science discipline; and (3) the methodological basis for “paradigmatic case” research. I have published or have forthcoming peer-reviewed articles about my research in Annales de démographie historique, Comparative Politics, Genocide Studies and Prevention, Human Rights Quarterly, International Journal of Transitional Justice, and Qualitative and Multi-Method Research. I have received external grants for my research from the National Science Foundation, the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, and the American Political Science Association. You can find more information about my published and in-progress research here.

In addition to my PhD work, I’m a Research Associate at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide, and an Affiliated Scholar at the International Justice Lab at the College of William & Mary. I’ve also worked at Booz Allen Hamilton and the Central Intelligence Agency. I have a bachelor’s degree in international politics from Georgetown’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service.

To get in touch, send me a note at daniel.solomon18@gmail.com.

The thoughts expressed on this website reflect my own opinions, and do not represent those of any organization.

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